Meet Your Celebration 2022 Gala Award Winners
Celebration 2022
Gala Award Winners
Congratulations to the 2022 Gala Award Winners announced at Celebration. We would like to take a moment to recognize these outstanding leaders for their hard work and dedication to The Art of Wellbeing™.
Top 5 Recruiters
1. Emily Engemann
2. Michael Bockaert
3. Amanda Gee
4. Pakieli Havili Kaufusi
5. Michelle Stevens
Top 5 Enrollers
1. Pakieli Havili Kaufusi
2. Itzel E Ivette
3. Amira Bustamante
4. Anne & Jim White
5. Jennifer Corliss Trinkner
Top 5 Leadership Growth
1. Andrada Soldanescu
2. Itzel E Ivette
3. Brandy Brokaw
4. Nicky Rempel
5. Michael Bockaert
Top 5 Team Growth
1. Marco Cairo
2. Vanessa Escudero
3. Brad Russell
4. Alina Pouchkova
5. Edward & Lisa Arterton
Top 10 Leader in Action
1. Michael Bockaert
2. Emily Engemann
3. Amanda Gee
4. Nicky Rempel
5. Holly Kirsh
6. Itzel E Ivette
7. Brandy Brokaw
8. Pakieli Havili Kaufusi
9. Vanessa Escudero
10. Anne & Jim White
Women of Isagenix
1. Andrada Soldanescu
2. Brandy Brokaw
3. Deb Edsall
4. Emily Ford
5. Holly Kirsh
6. Isabelle Sielens
7. Itzel E Ivette
8. Jen Schultz
9. Nicky Rempel
Woman of the Year
Jessica Reigner
Man of the Year
Joel McNinch
Couple of the Year
Hilari & Justin Courtney
Global Leader of the Year
Michael Bockaert
Congratulations again to each of our 2022 winners!