Three friends posing for a picture outside
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4 Fun Friend Date Ideas

Friends. They’re more than a really good show from the ’90s. Friends are the family you get to choose, so it’s important to carve out time to spend together. But with the holidays and our busy lives, it can be hard to find the time for a friend date. And no matter what, someone always ends up needing to cancel or reschedule. (P.S. Don’t be that person.)

While there’s no surefire way to guarantee that happens, here are four fun friend date ideas that’ll cause serious FOMO for the no-shows.

Organize a White Elephant Gift ExchangeA hand holding a wrapped holiday present

Walk around your house, find something you could live without (whether it’s funny or sentimental), wrap it up, and watch the look on your friend’s face as she tries to figure out if it’s new or used. Super easy, silly, and fun! It’s stressful enough when you’re trying to find a gift that’s thoughtful and unique … not to mention within budget … but then to do it for ALL of your friends and family? Exhausting.

And while anything goes for a gift at a white elephant exchange, why chance it? There’s one gift nearly all of us can use: more coffee! Now through Dec. 20, you can get 15% off any two bags of Isagenix Coffee. For an extra creative spin, include some fun ways to spice up a regular cup of joe with these concoctions. For extra points, you could even print them on pretty paper.

Hit the Gymwomen doing yoga

You love your friends, and you love how you feel after a great workout session, so why not combine the two for the best of both worlds? Not only will your workout feel like less of a chore, but you’ll also push each other to do your best. And you know what they say: Friends who work out together, stay together.

Got the cold weather workout blues? Try these fun ideas designed keep your workout game intact this winter season.

Tour Your City

Three women outside in front of a building

Nothing beats a real vacay away with your besties, but a close second is to try out new restaurants, museums, nearby hiking trails, and other local attractions in your hometown. If you live in a small town, then grab your girls (or guys), and do a road trip to the next town over. It’s all about the experiences and memories you make!

VolunteerPeople petting a golden retriever

Besides post-workout endorphins, not much feels better than giving back your time or resources. Sign up to ring the Salvation Army bell at a local grocery store, or volunteer at a nearby dog shelter. You’ll feel good, your friends will feel good, and the community will benefit. It’s a three-way win!

Happy memory making!

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