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4 Ways To Get Your Workout in Without Even Noticing

Getting motivated to start your workout is often the hardest part of staying fit, and it doesn’t help when, for many of us, our workout area is now just steps away from our couch. But we all know (deep down, at least) that we’ll feel so much better after we get it done.

If you need help getting motivated, here are four sneaky ways you can trick yourself into getting your sweat on:

Put on your favorite workout clothes

Woman doing yoga outside

If you struggle to get up and start your workout, try making it easier on yourself by having your first step taken care of. Whether that means sleeping in your running shorts or starting your workday in your activewear (I mean, why not when you’re working from home, right?), you’ll be that much more likely to ease into your workout when you’re already dressed.

Unexpected free hour in your day? Go ahead and throw in a quick HIIT session without wasting a second to put on your gear.

Try the five-minute rule

Half the battle of getting in a workout is psyching yourself up for that first rep, round, or mile. If you find yourself wondering how you’re ever going to complete the whole workout you’re eyeing, set your alarm for five minutes, and just get moving. Chances are, you’ll feel the endorphins start flowing and will be motivated to keep going.

A personal favorite of mine, I can say the five-minute method works the majority of the time. And if after five minutes you’re still not feeling it, listen to your body and take a rest day!

Walk as much as you can

As many of us continue to work from home, it can be easy to miss out on all the extra steps we used to log throughout the day. How can we blame ourselves when our office chair and after-work lounge spot are just a couple couch cushions away?

To get more steps in, challenge yourself to take your countless video and phone meetings on the go. Whether you take a walk outside with your headphones or simply walk laps around your desk, you’ll be surprised how many steps you can take during a 15-minute conference call.

Remember not all exercise means a traditional workout

Fitting in a daily workout can be overwhelming at times, especially when you have work to do, pets and kids to take care of, and a whole list of chores to complete for the house. On days when you’re feeling extra busy, shift your mindset to look at all the things you do every day as your workout.

Take your pups on a long walk, swim with your kids, or tackle all that yardwork you’ve been putting off — it totally counts as exercise! Just have fun, and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed thinking it only counts if you hit the weights. I promise, you’ll feel much better knowing you moved your body and spent time with those you love.

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4 Ways To Get Your Workout in Without Even Noticing

Getting motivated to start your workout is often the hardest part of staying fit, and it doesn’t help when, for many of us, our workout area is now just steps away from our couch. But we all know (deep down, at least) that we’ll feel so much better after we get it done.

If you need help getting motivated, here are four sneaky ways you can trick yourself into getting your sweat on:

Put on your favorite workout clothes

Woman doing yoga outside

If you struggle to get up and start your workout, try making it easier on yourself by having your first step taken care of. Whether that means sleeping in your running shorts or starting your workday in your activewear (I mean, why not when you’re working from home, right?), you’ll be that much more likely to ease into your workout when you’re already dressed.

Unexpected free hour in your day? Go ahead and throw in a quick HIIT session without wasting a second to put on your gear.

Try the five-minute rule

Half the battle of getting in a workout is psyching yourself up for that first rep, round, or mile. If you find yourself wondering how you’re ever going to complete the whole workout you’re eyeing, set your alarm for five minutes, and just get moving. Chances are, you’ll feel the endorphins start flowing and will be motivated to keep going.

A personal favorite of mine, I can say the five-minute method works the majority of the time. And if after five minutes you’re still not feeling it, listen to your body and take a rest day!

Walk as much as you can

As many of us continue to work from home, it can be easy to miss out on all the extra steps we used to log throughout the day. How can we blame ourselves when our office chair and after-work lounge spot are just a couple couch cushions away?

To get more steps in, challenge yourself to take your countless video and phone meetings on the go. Whether you take a walk outside with your headphones or simply walk laps around your desk, you’ll be surprised how many steps you can take during a 15-minute conference call.

Remember not all exercise means a traditional workout

Fitting in a daily workout can be overwhelming at times, especially when you have work to do, pets and kids to take care of, and a whole list of chores to complete for the house. On days when you’re feeling extra busy, shift your mindset to look at all the things you do every day as your workout.

Take your pups on a long walk, swim with your kids, or tackle all that yardwork you’ve been putting off — it totally counts as exercise! Just have fun, and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed thinking it only counts if you hit the weights. I promise, you’ll feel much better knowing you moved your body and spent time with those you love.

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4 formas de entrenar incluso sin darte cuenta

Motivarnos para empezar a hacer ejercicio suele ser la parte más difícil de mantenerse en forma, y no ayuda cuando, para muchos de nosotros, nuestra zona de entrenamiento está ahora a sólo unos pasos de nuestro sofá. Pero todos sabemos (al menos en el fondo) que vamos a sentirnos mucho mejor cuando lo hagamos.

Si necesitas ayuda para motivarte, te presentamos cuatro formas engañosas para sudar:

Ponte tu ropa de entrenamiento favorita

Woman doing yoga outside

Si te cuesta levantarte y empezar tu entrenamiento, trata de hacerlo más fácil para ti encargándote del primer paso. Ya sea que eso signifique dormir con tus shorts para correr o comenzar tu día de trabajo con tu ropa deportiva (o sea, ¿por qué no hacerlo si trabajas desde tu casa?, ¿de acuerdo?), es mucho más probable que hagas tu entrenamiento si ya tienes puesta esa ropa. .

¿Una hora libre imprevista en tu día? Vamos, haz una sesión rápida de HIIT sin desperdiciar un segundo en ponerte tu ropa deportiva.

Prueba la regla de los cinco minutos

La mitad de la estrategia para entrenar es prepararte para la primera repetición, ronda o milla. Si te encuentras preguntándote cómo vas a completar todo el entrenamiento que pretendes, configura la alarma por cinco minutos y comienza a moverte. Lo más probable es que sientas que las endorfinas empiezan a fluir y te sientas motivado a seguir adelante.

Como uno de mis métodos favoritos, puedo decir que el método de los cinco minutos funciona la mayoría de las veces. Y si después de cinco minutos aún no lo sientes, ¡escucha a tu cuerpo y tómate un día de descanso!

Camina tanto como puedas

Ya que muchos de nosotros seguimos trabajando desde casa, puede ser fácil que no podamos dar todos los pasos extra que solíamos registrar a lo largo del día. ¿Cómo podemos culparnos cuando nuestra silla de la oficina y el espacio de descanso después del trabajo están a un par de cojines del sofá?

Para dar más pasos, ponte el desafío de mantenerte en movimiento mientras llevas a cabo tus innumerables reuniones por video y teléfono. Ya sea que salgas a caminar con tus audífonos o simplemente des vueltas alrededor de tu escritorio, te sorprenderás de cuántos pasos puedes dar durante una conferencia telefónica de 15 minutos.

Recuerda que no todo ejercicio consiste en un entrenamiento tradicional

Ajustarse a un entrenamiento diario a veces puede ser abrumador, en especial si tienes trabajo que hacer, mascotas y niños que cuidar, y una lista entera de tareas por hacer en la casa. Los días en que te encuentres más ocupado, cambia tu forma de pensar y considera todas las cosas que haces cada día como tu entrenamiento.

Lleva a tus cachorros a dar un largo paseo, nada con tus hijos o haz todo el trabajo de jardinería que has estado aplazando, ¡eso absolutamente cuenta como ejercicio! Solo diviértete, y no te dejes abrumar pensando que el ejercicio solo cuenta si levantas pesas. Te prometo que te sentirás mucho mejor sabiendo que moviste tu cuerpo y pasaste tiempo con tus seres queridos.

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