
7 Tips for Staying in Shape This Holiday Season

So, you’re on a roll — exercising regularly, watching what you eat, and smiling at your hard-earned results in the mirror — and then the holidays hit. Disaster, right? NOPE! It doesn’t have to be that way! You can still enjoy the indulgences that make the holiday season so sensational, without overdoing it and unraveling months of hard work.

Here are seven tips for staying in shape this holiday season (while still enjoying it!)


1. Substitute holiday goodies with more nutritious (but delicious) options.

To avoid overindulging on the wrong kinds of foods, start with the right ones. You’re in luck because we just released two limited-time seasonal goodies that will allow you to partake in the holiday festivities, minus the guilt! Our IsaLean™ Bar in Vanilla Cranberry Almond smells like homemade marzipan and tastes like a sugar cookie! The best part is that, unlike your favorite holiday cookie, this bar is a real meal and packs a protein punch of nearly 19 grams per bar!

If vanilla isn’t your thing, we’ve got you covered. Our IsaLean™ Shake in the limited Raspberry Cheesecake flavor is truly the only way to enjoy cheesecake without going up a pants size! This decadent meal replacement shake offers up 24 grams of protein, a healthy dose of fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals!

These seasonal goodies will sell out fast! Order yours today.

  1. Order your Vanilla Cranberry Almond IsaLean Bar here!
  2. Order your Raspberry Cheesecake here!

2. Develop the right mindset.

It all starts in your mind. Programs like Healthy Mind and Body can teach you to focus on your health goals by keeping your “why” at the forefront of your decision-making process.

3. Make your journey a lifestyle approach.

Look beyond a temporary quick-fix diet. When you want to live a strong, balanced lifestyle, you need to follow a plan that can carry over beyond the first few weeks of the year. Make a change in your nutrition or exercise plan that you can stick with for the whole year. Check out the Healthy Living Guide to help you find the best products to support your healthy lifestyle!

4. Be proactive, not reactive.

If you know you have a holiday party with friends, co-workers, or family, have an IsaLean Bar or IsaLean Shake an hour or so before you go out. That way, you’ll have a good source of protein and won’t come to the party hungry for sugary treats and fattening snacks.

5. Try the “85/15” rule.

Abide by the 85/15 rule where 85 percent or about six out of seven of your choices are health-conscious, and the other 15 percent allows for “sprinkling a little fun” in your day. The holidays and life in general are about having fun with family and friends. When you keep about 85 percent of your choices health-conscious, you don’t need to feel bad about indulging in the occasional treat.

6. Get off the roller coaster mentality of guilt.

Enjoying those holiday goodies doesn’t mean you’re bad or you’ve failed. Life is what it is. Just aim to stay on the smooth track toward optimal health by trying again the next day.

7. Manage stress with Adaptogens.

We all have a little extra stress over the holidays. Traveling, entertaining family, and dealing with the shopping crowds can be stressful. Equip your body with products like Ionix® Supreme to help you start the holiday season feeling prepared, focused, and less stressed. Check out this article to discover something very cool about these wonderful things called Adaptogens!


Just because you’re making an effort to not overindulge this holiday season, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the occasional holiday snack or two. It’s all about moderation. Don’t allow yourself to get sucked into the “well, I’ve already eaten one cookie; I guess I might as well splurge on the eggnog, pumpkin latte, and peanut brittle, too” excuse.

Happy (healthy) holidays!

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