Being Her Own Boss: Jen’s Daily Must-Do List
Meet one of our successful Associates, Jen Van Den Elzen!
How did you get started with Isagenix?
Since I was young, I’ve always wanted to be in the health care field and to serve people, and in college, I completed my undergrad as pre-med. Eventually, though, I decided to pursue a different path. I wanted to do something where I could get out in the field and start traveling. I completed my master’s degree in public health at Emory University and started my career doing behavioral change research in Bolivia.
I was blessed with amazing experiences, but I just felt like it wasn’t what I was meant to be doing long term. I decided to move back home to Wisconsin, where I ended up meeting my now husband. While figuring out how to refocus my career, I ended up cofounding a nonprofit organization dedicated to community health and well-being. I led that organization for six years and probably got 40 years of career experience. We had a lot of success, and what I was doing was amazing and impactful, but again, I felt there was more left for me to do in this world. I felt like there had to be another way; I had two little ones at home I felt I wasn’t truly present for, and I wasn’t prioritizing my own health physically, emotionally, or financially.
In my search for a new path, I reached out to Lindsay Schwartz, a friend from college I had been following on Facebook. I didn’t know exactly what she was doing, but I could tell it was something really powerful, so we got together for coffee. After a long conversation about Isagenix, I knew almost instantly it was the opportunity I was looking for.
Now, 11 months since that meeting with Lindsay, what role does Isagenix play in your life?
Immediately after my meeting with Lindsay, my husband and I started using and loving the products, and I started sharing and building the business. I saw Isagenix as an opportunity with unlimited potential and had faith that if I built with an attitude of service and led with a powerful vision, that the pieces would fall into place. At the end of last year, I was able to step down from my nonprofit organization and realize my dream of balancing career and family in a way that was in alignment with my values.*
How do you find success and stay motivated?
After launching my nonprofit organization, I came to Isagenix with six years of experience being my own boss, and the biggest thing I would tell people is to learn how to manage your time and your work flow, and to always have a goal you are working toward. I live by my electronic calendar, and I develop systems for what I’m doing. Know what you’re aiming to accomplish in one day, in three days, or in three weeks. Don’t give yourself a chance to lose momentum.
What are your must-dos for success?
- Take care of yourself. Make a priority out of taking care of your body, whether that’s going to the gym, going for a walk or a run, practicing yoga, or preparing a new healthy recipe – do something that’s an investment in you.
- Check in with your team. It’s so important to be in your Back Office and on your IsaLife™ app every day, wherever you’re able to see what your team has been up to. Reach out, encourage, and celebrate the heck out of every accomplishment.
- Fill your calendar. Check your calendar every single morning to see what you have planned that day, that week, and that month. If you see holes in your calendar, you’re missing opportunities to share your Isagenix story – turn it up a notch, and fill the empty space. If you’re at a loss for how to do this, reach out to people who are successful and follow their advice.
What are your favorite tools in building this business, and how do you use them?
- Social media: Don’t use your social media platforms as a place to hard sell. Share your life, and be honest and consistent about what you’re doing. Create groups to connect with your team and create a sense of community, where you can host training and provide guidance.
- IsaTools To Go™ app & Isagenix promotions: Download the IsaTools To Go app immediately and utilize those resources, along with any promotion Isagenix is putting out. Leverage those opportunities to help your team declare their goals.
- Isagenix events: The training at Isagenix events is so valuable, and that knowledge can be applied to anything in your life, not just network marketing. My husband came with me to Celebration 2017 and took pages and pages of notes, not for building our Isagenix business but for his heating and cooling business, because the skills taught at these events are incredibly useful and versatile. Anyone can benefit from personal development and the positive energy at these events.
To meet more incredible people like Jen who have become their own boss, check out where we’re sharing their stories!
*Earning levels or income statements (including claims such as the ability to quit a job) for the Isagenix Independent Associate discussed here exceeds the average results achieved by all Associates during the same time period, are not necessarily representative of the success or compensation that any particular Associate will receive, and should not be construed as typical or average. The ability to earn income under the Isagenix Compensation Plan depends on many factors including an individual Associate’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a large network of family, friends, and business contacts. Isagenix cannot and does not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even Associates who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of success. For average earnings, refer to