AMPED Nitro: Not Your Average Preworkout

Get to Know Your Preworkout

nitro preworkoutIf you’re ready to take your performance to the next level, we have a preworkout solution to help you get there. And we don’t just mean “next level” like adding a few more reps to your weightlifting set. It’s more than just kicking it up a notch on the treadmill. We mean next level before you even hit the gym. That level scientifically proven to fuel explosive, high-performance workouts. Where you push your limits and work toward goals you never thought you could reach.†

Nitro gets its name from its featured active ingredient: Nitrosigine®§. An ingredient shown to boost energy and improve performance†, putting this preworkout in a category of its own. With three times more Nitrosigine® per serving than AMPED™ Power, this is for the days when you’re ready to test your threshold with a truly powerful workout.

See how some of our top athletes are training harder, working out longer, and recovering faster with AMPED Nitro.

What the Athletes Are Saying

kayla-johnson“For me, my workouts are done in a cold garage in Montana, and with AMPED Nitro, my body feels ready faster than normal, getting me prepped and ready for the day ahead.† During my workouts, not only am I able to handle higher workloads week after week, I’m able to generate greater power, speed, and work capacity than before, without an energy crash at the end.”†

– Kayla Johnson, CrossFit Athlete




lisa-maciel-2 preworkout“Since using AMPED Nitro, I’ve noticed a huge difference in my energy, my focus, and my endurance.† It gives me that extra boost that I didn’t get from other preworkouts because of the caffeine, which I need for harder interval days and longer training runs.† I use Nitro 30 to 45 minutes before I train, followed by half an e+™ shot every 45 to 60 minutes during my session. I call it my ‘fatigue fighter.’”†

– Lisa Maciel, Marathon Runner



alvie-shepherd-2“AMPED Nitro and e+ shots have been a staple for me in my training routine. I love the extra push and focus this combo gives me. It helps me get through some of my most strenuous workouts!† Unlike other preworkout brands, Nitro gives me the fuel I need without a crash or soreness afterward.† It’s a game changer!”

– Alvie Shepherd, Retired Pitcher and 2016 IsaBody Challenge® Grand Prize Winner





Do you have the guts to take your workouts where they’ve never been before? Discover Nitro.

​†This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

§Nitrosigine is a registered trademark of Nutrition 21, LLC and is patent protected.

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