AMPED Nitro: Not Your Average Preworkout
Get to Know Your Preworkout
If you’re ready to take your performance to the next level, we have a preworkout solution to help you get there. And we don’t just mean “next level” like adding a few more reps to your weightlifting set. It’s more than just kicking it up a notch on the treadmill. We mean next level before you even hit the gym. That level scientifically proven to fuel explosive, high-performance workouts. Where you push your limits and work toward goals you never thought you could reach.†
Nitro gets its name from its featured active ingredient: Nitrosigine®§. An ingredient shown to boost energy and improve performance†, putting this preworkout in a category of its own. With three times more Nitrosigine® per serving than AMPED™ Power, this is for the days when you’re ready to test your threshold with a truly powerful workout.
See how some of our top athletes are training harder, working out longer, and recovering faster with AMPED Nitro.
What the Athletes Are Saying
“For me, my workouts are done in a cold garage in Montana, and with AMPED Nitro, my body feels ready faster than normal, getting me prepped and ready for the day ahead.† During my workouts, not only am I able to handle higher workloads week after week, I’m able to generate greater power, speed, and work capacity than before, without an energy crash at the end.”†
– Kayla Johnson, CrossFit Athlete
“Since using AMPED Nitro, I’ve noticed a huge difference in my energy, my focus, and my endurance.† It gives me that extra boost that I didn’t get from other preworkouts because of the caffeine, which I need for harder interval days and longer training runs.† I use Nitro 30 to 45 minutes before I train, followed by half an e+™ shot every 45 to 60 minutes during my session. I call it my ‘fatigue fighter.’”†
– Lisa Maciel, Marathon Runner
“AMPED Nitro and e+ shots have been a staple for me in my training routine. I love the extra push and focus this combo gives me. It helps me get through some of my most strenuous workouts!† Unlike other preworkout brands, Nitro gives me the fuel I need without a crash or soreness afterward.† It’s a game changer!”
– Alvie Shepherd, Retired Pitcher and 2016 IsaBody Challenge® Grand Prize Winner
Do you have the guts to take your workouts where they’ve never been before? Discover Nitro.
†This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
§Nitrosigine is a registered trademark of Nutrition 21, LLC and is patent protected.