Building With Passion From the Start
Congratulations to Isagenix Millionaire No. 206, Laurie Moore!
Not many people can tell you that they’ve had an IsaLean® Shake every morning for almost 15 years, but Laurie certainly can. She was introduced to Isagenix by her good friend, Bonnie, when the company was first getting started in 2002.
“When I got my first box of product, we only had the 9-Day System,” remembers Laurie. “Cleanse for Life® certainly didn’t taste as good as it does now, but Bonnie and I were willing to try it, and we had great results.”
At the time, Laurie owned a busy salon, and her clients, friends, and family began asking her what she was doing. She started sharing the Isagenix products, and soon, she was helping more people get started with Isagenix than she knew what to do with.
“When my first check from Isagenix came in the mail, I was shocked,” says Laurie. “My husband and I decided that I really ought to turn this into a business, and I spent five years just going wild with sharing the products.”
A Different Journey Than Most
As Laurie continued sharing Isagenix, her team began to grow. She went from having small Launch Parties in people’s homes to hosting meetings in rental halls with hundreds of people.
“It’s amazing to see that many people share their excitement and success,” she says. “It’s just contagious.”
Laurie worked her Isagenix business 20-30 hours a week with three young children at home. She built from her phone at dance class and the swimming pool and held evening parties while her husband watched the kids. After five years of working her business with tunnel vision, she decided to take a break to spend more time with her family.
“My timeout turned into a sabbatical, and that kind of turned into a semi-retirement, but I was still able to maintain my business with Isagenix,” she says. “I’m the perfect example of the different ways in which you can build this business. It shows the true power of residual income.”
A Blessing in Life
After such a successful journey over the past 14 years, Laurie says that her best advice to others is to figure out a way to build up their belief in themselves, as the more belief you have in your ability to succeed, the more likely it is that you will.
“It’s hard to set a goal without the belief that it will really happen, so you have to do something to feed that belief. It’s about learning the skills to be better at life, and part of that is just getting right with yourself,” she says. “That gives you the tools you need to go out and create what it is that your heart desires.”
Building a business with Isagenix has allowed Laurie to fulfill her passion for helping others and has helped her and her family to live out their dreams. One of Laurie’s favorite dreams come true was creating the award winning Personal Development Magazine in 2007. Laurie has been studying holistic health for more than 20 years, now running her own private practice where she feels Isagenix is the perfect fit.
“There are so many people out there that are just sick and tired, and I believe that Isagenix products can be the missing puzzle piece. I’m excited to get back out there, start sharing, and see what we can do in round two,” she says.
Looking back on her many years with Isagenix, Laurie has so much gratitude for her journey, for all of the people on her team, and for what she has been able to experience.
“As a company, we continue to bring in phenomenal people, and we’ve been able to watch the product line grow immensely,” she says. “To this day, I believe Isagenix continues to be the perfect vehicle for making dreams come true both psychically and financially!”
An Isagenix Millionaire is an Independent Associate to whom Isagenix has paid a gross total of $1 million or more since joining Isagenix. Earnings reflect gross amounts that do not include any business expenses. Earning levels or income statements (including claims such as the ability to quit a job or stay at home or portrayals of luxury lifestyles) for the Isagenix Independent Associates discussed here exceed the average results achieved by all Associates during the same time period are not necessarily representative of the success or compensation that any particular Associate will receive and should not be construed as typical or average. The ability to earn income under the Isagenix compensation plan depends on many factors including an individual Associate’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a large network of family, friends, and business contacts. Isagenix cannot and does not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even Associates who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of success. For average earnings of Independent Associates, please refer to the Isagenix Earnings Disclosure Statement at