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Meet Your 2019 U.S. IsaBody Challenge Finalists!

During each 16-week Challenge, we have the honor of watching as our participants achieve life-changing, total-body transformations, and we’re so proud of everyone who participated in our latest Challenge. Everybody absolutely killed it, which made this Judging Period one of our most difficult yet. Meet the 15 incredible individuals who qualified as Judging Period 4 U.S. IsaBody Challenge Finalists!

Isabody Challenge 2018 Finalist Julie Marchak
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IsaBody Finalist Conquers Lifelong Battle With Failure, Emerges Victorious!

Have you ever given up on a diet regime because you didn’t see results fast enough? That’s how Julie’s numerous attempts to lose weight inevitably ended. At 288 pounds, Julie was hurting – emotionally and physically – but she was setting herself up for failure before she even started by giving herself permission to quit if she didn’t see instant results.