The Doran Family
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How the Doran Family Lost 300 Pounds Together

Have you ever tried to lose weight with the intention of making a change for good, only to hit a plateau, stop altogether, and end up in the same place you started (or even heavier than before)? Don’t worry — you’re not alone. Mike Doran and his family have been there. But not anymore! Find out how they changed their lives with Isagenix.

How Christine Gets Stronger Every Single Day
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How Christine Gets Stronger Every Single Day

Before Isagenix, Christine was simply existing. She wasn’t happy, felt humiliated about her weight, and had fallen into the trap we all know too well: the constant comparison to others. This left Christine uncomfortable in her own skin and with absolutely no self-love. Her own health had fallen low on her list of priorities until one day, she decided enough was enough.

Raspberry Cheesecake Shake
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5 Reasons Dessert Is Perfect for Weight Loss

There are so many protein shake and meal replacement flavors beyond vanilla and chocolate. Great taste is a universal language, and we expect our food, healthy or not, to satisfy our taste buds. And for what food is that truer of than dessert? Even before the first appetizer hits the table, dessert is the course on our minds.

Overcome Selling Stage Fright: What to Say, Share, and Do
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Overcome Selling Stage Fright: What to Say, Share, and Do

Not all of us are natural-born sellers. In fact, some of us are downright awkward when we try. Whether you’ve been an Associate with Isagenix for years, are just getting started, or haven’t even thought about the business opportunity available to you, it can be challenging to figure out what to say, share, and do (minus the awkwardness) when you’re approaching a potential Customer.

veggie spread

Become a Veggie Lover With These 4 Simple Tips

Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, but did you know that a recent study by the CDC found that one in 10 adults don’t meet their daily recommended serving? It’s true! Sometimes it can seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day to squeeze in your nine servings of veggies (and fruit) – but don’t fret! Here are some ways to effortlessly increase your veggie intake.

Fad Diets Don’t Work. Try Something That Does.
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Fad Diets Don’t Work. Try Something That Does.

Whether it’s a celebrity or our closest friend, it seems that someone’s always raving about this or that new diet. We know it’s probably just like all the others we’ve tried in the past, but we can’t help but ask ourselves, “What if this diet is different? What if this one works?” The problem is that in general, diets don’t work, but the good news is it’s not your fault. Here’s why.