5 Healthy and Fun Rituals To Improve Your Wellbeing
People need new ways to deal with uncertainty. Adding rituals to your day can help. Here are 5 simple rituals to improve wellbeing.
People need new ways to deal with uncertainty. Adding rituals to your day can help. Here are 5 simple rituals to improve wellbeing.
Consider a high-performing musician who in her quest for perfectionism is painfully self-critical each time she makes a mistake. Is that internal, criticizing voice the key to her success? What if there was a better, more sustainable way to bring out the same, or an even higher level, of excellence?
It’s American Heart Month, and we’re sharing why everyone should be celebrating. Read on to see how you can support your heart health.
I believe that money is energy and you get in what you put out.
I know almost all of us would like to have more money – myself included! – but do we truly believe we are
worthy of more money?
January is all about new beginnings and lofty resolutions, but if you’re like me, it can be tough to stay motivated after all the sparkly champagne is gone and the excitement of a brand-new year starts to wear thin.
Hi, Isagenix family! My name is Lauren Simmons, and my partnership with the Wellbeing Collective is all about your relationship with your mind, your body, and your money. Emphasis on the money!
Especially now, you may want to build strengths that you previously have not focused much energy or attention on. This desire often emerges after life events that change your motivation to use a strength that was dormant in the past.
It is more important than ever for people to see themselves through the empowering lens of their character strengths. Our very wellbeing depends upon it. This is precisely why the groundbreaking science of positive psychology is so exciting.
Imagine you find a flower bud in your garden. You see the bud but are unsure what flower will unfold. If you have a predetermined expectation for it to be one flower versus another, such as a tulip versus a rose, you will be disappointed…
Three successful entrepreneurs share their social media secrets and explain how they use Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for business building.