
Celebrate America Recycles Day!

Isagenix is proud to celebrate America Recycles Day, a national initiative created by Keep America Beautiful, Thursday, Nov. 15. Earlier this year, Isagenix announced its commitment to reduce contamination and improve the environment.

Did you know the average person generates more than 4 pounds of trash every day and about 1.5 tons of solid waste per year? According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an estimated 75 percent of the American waste stream is recyclable, but we only recycle about 30 percent of it.

How We Can Do Better

There are plenty of ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle even during the holidays, according to the EPA, including:

Wrap your gifts in homemade paper and bows

  • Bringing your own reusable cloth bag for carrying your purchases and trying to buy items with minimal packaging and/or made with recycled content.
  • Wrapping gifts in recycled or reused wrapping paper. Also, remember to save or recycle your used wrapping paper. Give gifts that don’t require much packaging, such as concert tickets or gift certificates.
  • Sending recycled-content greeting cards and remember to recycle any paper cards you receive. You can also try sending electronic greeting cards to reduce paper waste.
  • Baking cookies or other goodies and packaging them in reusable and/or recyclable containers as gifts. Homemade goodies show how much you care and help you avoid packaging waste.
  • Buying long-lasting silk flowers, potted plants, or live bushes, shrubs, or trees that can be planted in the spring as gifts.
  • Learning to compost at home.

Doing Our Part

Recycling is easy and the whole family can take part

To commemorate America Recycles Day, Isagenix is hosting a special event at its global headquarters today and kicking off a three-month recycling campaign to further educate employees about recycling and inspire them to do more to reduce waste at the workplace and in the community.

“At Isagenix, we are always striving to do more to positively impact our planet and improve our future,” said Erik Coover, senior vice president of global field development and culture. “We want to serve as an example of how companies can achieve corporate objectives while also honoring and protecting the earth’s natural resources.”

Join thousands of people across the country who took the pledge to learn, act, and share more about recycling at AmericaRecyclesDay.org.

Learn more about our commitment to improving the planet through sustainable packaging and ethical sourcing, including our zero-waste goal by 2028.

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