Emerging Leaders: Couples Challenging the Status Quo
At Isagenix, we strive to make a global impact each and every day. We are always challenging the status quo and consistently going above and beyond. We are innovative and are leading the way for others who want to change their lives, and the lives of others.
These passionate Associates have cultivated the best versions of themselves while continuing to support and inspire others, and we want to recognize them as top leaders among their peers. Here, they have shared some wisdom to help you reach the level of success they are experiencing today.
Lindsey and Peter Wynia
You’ve built a successful business. How do you get over fears and obstacles without losing momentum?
Everyone has wall-kicking moments, moments when you think that you’re not going to reach your goals, or moments when you fear the unknown. The difference between success and failure is how you push through those moments. Your mind is where all of the power and momentum comes from. Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right!
What’s your best tip or piece of advice for someone who has just started with Isagenix?
Use the tools! It’s all here for us. If you want this badly enough, you don’t need anyone to tell you what to do – just use the tools, learn it, and apply it!
What are your favorite tools, and what tools have helped you the most in building your business?
I’m a science nerd at heart, so I love IsagenixHealth.net because I love being able to back up my knowledge with science. I also learn best from watching those who have come before me, so plugging into all of our podcasts and weekly trainings is key.
Jessica and Tyler Steeves
What are three ways you stand out as a leader?
We aren’t afraid to be different. As a leader, you can’t be afraid to go first. No one else is going to do it for you, so you have to get out and lead from the front.
We take risks. We are doing things we never thought we could do in order to become the best versions of ourselves. You can’t let the fear of failure control you – when you believe in something, stick to it no matter what.
We make our team our priority. We are always there for our team, ready to support them and work with them each step of the way.
How do you encourage and develop new leaders within your team?
People want to hear real-life success stories, so we are always open and share our story of how Isagenix has transformed our lives. This opportunity can be a vehicle to physical and financial results, and we always paint that picture for others so that they can see what’s possible.
What’s your best tip or piece of advice for someone who has just started with Isagenix?
Some people tend to overwhelm themselves by putting too much on their plate, and it’s hard to remain consistent with everything. Just start with one thing you want to improve on and take it one day at a time.
Pierson and Christine Galicinao
You’ve built a successful business. How do you get over fears and obstacles without losing momentum?
Be consistent in your daily action, and don’t overthink it! Always remember what your greater purpose is, and remember that this is not about you; it’s about helping others.
What are your favorite tools, and what tools have helped you the most in building your business?
We like IsaLean® Shake tastings, as they give everyone an opportunity to try the product. We also utilize the videos provided by Isagenix. “START Your Life,” “The Isagenix Difference,” “Transform Your Life,” and “Today Is the Day” are some of our favorites.
How do you encourage and develop new leaders within your team?
We stay plugged in and support, encourage, and create a vision for our team. We run alongside them, and continue to do what our friends and mentors, Zach and Eden Slobin have taught us. We teach it to our team, and that is duplication!
For more Recognition news, and to learn more about our incredible leaders, visit ca.IsaFYI.com/Recognition.