Hands holding oatmeal
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Letting Go of the Fear of Breakfast

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? The dark? Spiders? Heights? Breakfast? Give me a cave full of spiders with the big bad wolf huffing and puffing outside all day. But try to sneak a full breakfast to me after I first wake up? No. Way.  

I have always skipped breakfast, and it seems to be the norm when surveying my office mates. I get my caffeine fix in and just work until lunch, or whenever.  

Our time is so hurried that getting up and getting out of the door to go to school, work, or the next location on our calendar is more important than fueling up for the day 

Get a proper dose of nourishment? Um, no, thanks, I don’t have the time. Clearly, we have our priorities a bit mixed up.  

Letting go of the past 

I think my habit of shunning breakfast came from high school. You know, where most negative preconceptions are nurtured and grown. In a world where the perpetual diet is always in fashion, waking up hungry felt, well … good. The night had delivered a flat stomach and skinny jeans that fit like a glove. No breakfast, no problem. 

Fast-forward to waking up in Adult Land where I am now mature and armed with helpful information. We know that recklessly and irresponsibly skipping meals can lead to eating disorders and a string of unwanted physical conditions.  

There is a time and place for intermittent fasting done right. But just because we are armed with knowledge doesn’t mean the fear of breakfast doesn’t still existIt has definitely overflowed into my daily life.  

Time for a quick breakfast quiz

  1. What’s the scientific name for the fear of breakfast?
  2. What’s the best breakfast food?
  3. True or false? You should only have fruit for breakfast.
  4. What is the most popular breakfast food in the world?
  5. True or false? Working out before breakfast is detrimental.

But, the studies  

The scientific world has been debating breakfast for years. No wonder we are all confused about breakfast being “good” or “bad.” Come to think of it, maybe it’s time to change the question: When is breakfast something you need or something you don’t?  

With 25% of Americans regularly skipping breakfast and newer studies showing that breakfast eaters tend to be healthier, isn’t it about time we get over our adolescent fears and create healthier habitsSpoiler alert: It is.   

The more you think about this, the more you realize that it’s not about eating toast and eggs, cereal, or even a shake. It’s about setting intentions and creating healthy habits. 

Quick tips for starting out strong 

  • Ditch the junky nighttime snacks. They can prevent you from starting the next day strong with healthy nutrients. Ideally, you want to wake up a little hungry.  
  • Work out if you choose to. Studies show that working out in a fasted state may burn valuable energy sourcesand you may not have as much stamina. However, some people absolutely despise working out with a belly full of food. It comes down to doing what works and feels good for you.  
  • Start the next day with protein. Maybe you want to begin with some oatmeal, then in a few hours, create a stunning protein bowlYum.  
  • Just plan it out. Whatever you do, have your food planned out from the time you get up to the time you say goodnight. 

When you know what your day will look like, there will be nothing to fear. Except maybe snakes. And the occasional spider.  


Quiz answers

  1. There isn’t one for breakfast! But the scientific name for the fear of food, in general, is cibophobia. The fear of cooking is mageirocophobia.
  2. What’s the best breakfast food? There are 12 breakfast foods that are fantastic choices because of their nutritional content. They are: eggs, Greek yogurt, oatmeal, chia seeds, berries, nuts, green tea, protein shakes, fruit, flaxseed, and cottage cheese.  
  3. Neither. Eat what you like as long as it’s nutritious and you balance the rest of your day’s menu.
  4. Breakfast comes in about as many varieties as people do! If you don’t like toast, check out black sesame soup from China or syrniki — a fried cottage cheese pancake from Russia.
  5. Working out prior to breakfast is known as fasted cardio. It may or may not be for you. Most studies say to eat an hour before working out. You’ll have to experiment to see what works best for you!

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