Give Back, Move Forward


On Thursday, January 14, Senior Vice President of Global Field Development Erik Coover and 80 Isagenix Associates from the START group teamed up to give back while in Dallas, Texas for New Year Kick Off 2016.

Donating their morning to the Dallas Fort Worth Salvation Army, the START members came together to prepare bagged meals for the homeless. They created a smooth-running assembly line complete with sandwich-making, lunch-packing, and bag-decorating stations. They also had a surprise introduction and message from Jerry, a former homeless member of the Salvation Army, who had been blending in and packing lunches alongside them all morning.

By lunchtime, the group had prepared 1,376 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which provided over 600 meals. Each meal included sandwiches, IsaLean® Bars, Fiber Snacks, Whey Thins,  a motivational message, and hand-drawn artwork courtesy of Isagenix. Those bags were then loaded into a van and distributed to those in need.

As the team was gearing up to leave, Jerry shared how these events were personally important to him. He said it was sandwiches from the Salvation Army that kept him alive one year ago when he was homeless and that the START group was going to transform so many lives that day.

Thank You!

Isagenix would like to thank the Dallas Fort Worth Salvation Army for welcoming the START group and Which Wich Superior Sandwiches for delivering the supplies and providing sandwich-making tips.

Like the START Group?

The START group is a passionate, growing team of young people ages 18-35 who strive to lead extraordinary lives and help others do the same. They are innovators driven to live above the status quo and are the driving force behind this movement to contribute to other people’s lives. To join their community and learn how to take ownership of your life, your health, your dreams, and your contributions, visit

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