Gratitude Is Our Attitude
June marks the year’s halfway point, and since the start of 2016 we have accomplished so much as One Team. We’ve eclipsed 550,000 Members worldwide, welcomed hundreds of new customers, added several new solution-based products, and moved into our brand-new, state-of-the-art building. None of these advancements would have been possible without you.
A Special Thank-You
We believe gratitude is essential to a fulfilling life. Gratitude is understanding and appreciating the impact each of us has in creating positive change for ourselves, our friends, our families, our communities, and the world at large. At Isagenix, we celebrate the efforts and achievements of others no matter how great or small. We are grateful that we get the opportunity to share our products and culture with the world.
Join Isagenix as we devote the entire month of June to gratitude and another year to transforming lives.
Learn more about our values and What Drives Us.