Here’s to All the Men: May We Know and Love Them
The one word that often describes men is strong. If I were talking about the men in my life, I would add hardworking, devoted, and selfless (maybe handsome, too). They are the pillars of our family, the rocks we often lean on, and the sounding boards we need when it’s time to make a big decision. I don’t know about you, but I want all the men in my family to be around for as long as possible.
The month of June is dedicated to Men’s Health Month to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. There is plenty you can do to support the men in your life this month including:
Planning a Fundraiser
Encourage your friends, family members, or colleagues to pick a day to wear blue and raise money for prostate cancer, a disease that affects one in nine men in the U.S. Host a work challenge, place a coin jar at your favorite restaurant, or raise funds instead of collecting gifts for your birthday and give to a nonprofit organization that supports cancer research such as the American Cancer Society. Get creative, encourage friendly competition, and have fun!
Speaking Up
Spread the word about Men’s Health Month by talking to your family and friends and encouraging them to get their annual health screenings because early detection saves lives. Your social media account(s) is an effective platform to share information and educate people about men’s health issues. This social media toolkit has a variety of images, hashtags, and other resources available so all you have to do is copy and paste!
Getting Active
Take your dad/brother/uncle/grandfather on a hike, play a round of golf, or shoot some hoops together. Not only will you get your heart rate up, but you’ll also have fun while spending quality time with your favorite men. Staying active and being physically fit help men live longer, lower their risk of certain diseases, and improve their quality of life.
Happy Men’s Health Month to all our heroes!