How To Unleash the Value of Online Content
Whether you’re continuing to stay at home or are venturing out under safe social distancing conditions, life is different. But there’s a silver lining we can all appreciate surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic — we’ve learned how to embrace a new normal that forces us to think of original ways to connect with one another.
While this isn’t the first time the world has suffered a pandemic, it is the first time we’ve been fortunate enough to get through it with an online and digital connection that allows us to stay safe, keep learning, and do some of the things we love together.
If you feel you haven’t truly taken advantage of all the online content out there, or even if you’re intimidated by it, here are some great ways to start.
Learn new things with free online classes
From making cookies with Nestle’s head baker to taking an eight-week course on contract law from Harvard University, there are so many online learning sources available that the public previously didn’t have access to, making this the perfect time to learn something new directly from a valuable source.
Think about what you’ve always wanted to do, and see if there’s an online class out there. Who knows, you might come out of quarantine with a new friend from class or awesome skills that have changed your life.
Stay healthy with virtual workouts
It’s not always easy to get motivated for a workout, especially when you’re just trying to make it work in your home gym, aka your living room. But when’s the last time you got to take a barre class on a Monday followed by yoga on Tuesday and kickboxing on Wednesday? (I could keep going, but you get the point!)
It’s not always easy or affordable to attend such a variety of high-end classes, but now you can find all kinds of virtual group workouts that make staying fit exciting, and they’re online for free!
Listen to entertaining and informative podcasts
Many of us are long-time podcast fans, whether we like self-help, politics, or comedy. Right now is a great time to take that love of podcasts and challenge yourself to try a different genre and explore something new. Maybe you used to binge true crime on your long drive to work (that’s me!), but now that you’re not commuting, your hands are free to take notes about how your favorite entrepreneur achieved their success.
Once you’ve found a new show you love, check out social media to see if the podcast has a group online. There you’ll find tons of like-minded people you wouldn’t have met before to swap ideas with.
Attend virtual events hosted by leaders you admire
It’s a huge bummer to receive an email that your long-awaited concert, play, or event has been canceled due to COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean your calendar should remain empty. Instead, do an internet search of the topics and leaders you admire, and you’ll probably find an awesome event that’s gone virtual. As they say, the show must go on, and there are a lot of inspirational and well-known leaders and companies out there making it happen just for you. (Hint hint: We’re one of them!)
Join us for Celebration Live this July for a star-studded lineup of trainers who are prepared to help us put on an incredible virtual event like we’ve never had before.
There are still tons of ways you can stay connected and meet new people, even while social distancing. So go ahead and start taking advantage of all the amazing online content that’s out there!