woman doing yoga at beach
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Know Your Strength: 3 Ways To Reduce Stress During Tough Times

Lately, it feels like bad news stories and fear of the unknown are hard to escape, but you can’t let those things send your stress levels through the roof. Maintaining your stress is a super important part of taking care of yourself, and right now, taking care of ourselves should be our No. 1 goal. Plus, when you’re in control of your stress and in a chill state of mind, it’s much easier to take news and situations as they come because you can think more clearly and remain calm.

Taking Control of Your Stress

There are many things you can do while staying at home that will help you manage your stress levels. One of those is taking care of your physical health. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day. Working out also has some direct stress reduction benefits like pumping up your endorphins and improving your mood.

Here are some ways you can work on increasing your physical health to clear your head and reduce your stress. Even if you’ve always been a dedicated exerciser, each of these methods has a little extra stress-busting power.

3 Exercise Tips for Reducing Stress

Exercise mindfully.

woman does yoga on balcony

If you can’t get your mind off something, try doing your favorite exercise and focusing on the movement of your body instead. Whether you’re focused on your feet hitting the pavement during a run or releasing the tension from your neck and shoulders while doing some yoga, moving your body while taking your mind someplace happier is a win-win.

If you don’t know what exercise is best for you, try working out with us at IsaBody® Fitness. This program is free in the IsaLife™ app when you register for the IsaBody Challenge®.

Take your movement outside (if safe to do so).

Person going for a run outside

In most areas, it’s still considered safe to get outside for some fresh air as long as you’re following all necessary precautions. Whether you’re taking a stroll, doing a high-intensity interval training workout, or practicing yoga, just being outside will improve your stress levels while you’re increasing your strength. Feel the fresh air on your skin, take note of all the beauty surrounding you, and start feeling your stress melt away.

Set goals that are within your control.

notebook with wording

In a time when so much is out of our control, set some goals for yourself that you can tackle, goals that will improve your physical health. Sure, it does suck not to be able to go to the gym anymore, but you can do pushups anywhere. Set a goal to improve your form, increase the number of reps you can complete in a minute, or learn a new kind of pushup (like a diamond pushup).

Some other goals may include increasing your water intake, hitting 10,000 steps a day, or being more diligent about stretching. Focusing on that which you have the power to change will not only lead to better physical health but will also help you set a positive mindset each day.

If you’re feeling your stress levels getting higher, I hope you’ll try these three methods for reducing your stress while increasing your strength!

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woman doing yoga at beach
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Découvrez votre force : trois façons de diminuer votre stress en période difficile

Depuis quelque temps, les mauvaises nouvelles et la peur de l’inconnu envahissent nos vies, mais il ne faudrait pas qu’elles décuplent notre stress. La gestion du stress est très importante pour prendre soin de soi et, à l’heure actuelle, il n’y a rien de plus important que de prendre soin de soi. De plus, lorsque vous gérez votre stress et que vous vous sentez zen, il est beaucoup plus facile de prendre les nouvelles et les situations comme elles viennent. Vous avez l’esprit clair et vous gardez votre calme.

Prenez votre stress en main

Il y a bien des choses que vous pouvez faire en confinement pour diminuer votre niveau de stress. Vous pouvez, entre autres, prendre soin de votre santé physique. Selon la clinique Mayo, l’exercice favorise la santé globale et le bien-être, ce qui rend le pas plus léger à coup sûr. L’exercice a aussi des effets directs sur la diminution du stress, par exemple en augmentant vos endorphines… et votre moral!

Voici quelques façons de soigner votre santé physique pour faire le vide dans votre esprit et évacuer le stress. Même si vous faites de l’exercice depuis longtemps, vous trouverez dans chacune de ces méthodes un effet réducteur de stress en supplément.

Trois conseils pour diminuer son stress par l’exercice

Faites de l’exercice en pleine conscience.

woman does yoga on balcony

Si une idée vous obsède, essayez de pratiquer votre exercice préféré en vous concentrant sur les mouvements de votre corps. En fixant votre esprit sur le contact de vos pieds avec le sol pendant une course ou sur le relâchement des tensions dans votre corps et vos épaules pendant une séance de yoga, vous serez doublement gagnant puisque vous bougerez tout en vous changeant les idées.

Si vous ne savez pas quel exercice choisir, essayez de vous entraîner avec nous sur IsaBody® Fitness. Le programme est offert gratuitement dans l’application IsaLife™ si vous êtes inscrit au défi IsaBody Challenge®.

Allez vous exercer dehors (s’il est sécuritaire de le faire).

Person going for a run outside

Dans presque toutes les régions, il est jugé sécuritaire d’aller prendre une bouffée d’air, pour autant que l’on prenne toutes les précautions nécessaires.  Que vous fassiez une promenade, un entraînement par intervalles à haute intensité ou du yoga, il vous suffit d’être dehors pour faire baisser votre stress tout en augmentant votre force. Savourez la sensation de l’air frais sur votre peau, admirez la beauté qui vous entoure et sentez votre stress fondre comme neige au soleil.

Fixez-vous des objectifs atteignables.

notebook with wording

Dans cette situation sur laquelle vous avez bien peu de contrôle, fixez-vous des objectifs que vous pouvez atteindre, des objectifs qui vous aideront à améliorer votre santé physique. Oui, il est frustrant de ne plus pouvoir aller au gymnase… mais, des pushup, on peut en faire partout! Donnez-vous comme objectif d’améliorer votre forme physique, par exemple d’augmenter le nombre de répétitions que vous arrivez à faire en une minute ou d’apprendre un nouveau type d’extensions des bras (par exemple les extensions des bras mains rapprochées).

Vous pourriez également vous mettre au défi de boire plus d’eau, de faire 10 000 pas par jour ou de vous étirer plus consciencieusement. En vous concentrant sur ce sur quoi vous avez du pouvoir, vous ne ferez pas qu’améliorer votre condition physique : vous serez dans de meilleures dispositions d’esprit tous les jours.

Si vous sentez le stress gagner en intensité, j’espère que vous essaierez ces trois méthodes pour diminuer tout en augmentant votre force!

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woman doing yoga at beach
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Know Your Strength: 3 Ways To Reduce Stress During Tough Times

Lately, it feels like bad news stories and fear of the unknown are hard to escape, but you can’t let those things send your stress levels through the roof. Maintaining your stress is a super important part of taking care of yourself, and right now, taking care of ourselves should be our No. 1 goal. Plus, when you’re in control of your stress and in a chill state of mind, it’s much easier to take news and situations as they come because you can think more clearly and remain calm.

Taking Control of Your Stress

There are many things you can do while staying at home that will help you manage your stress levels. One of those is taking care of your physical health. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day. Working out also has some direct stress reduction benefits like pumping up your endorphins and improving your mood.

Here are some ways you can work on increasing your physical health to clear your head and reduce your stress. Even if you’ve always been a dedicated exerciser, each of these methods has a little extra stress-busting power.

3 Exercise Tips for Reducing Stress

Exercise mindfully.

woman does yoga on balcony

If you can’t get your mind off something, try doing your favorite exercise and focusing on the movement of your body instead. Whether you’re focused on your feet hitting the pavement during a run or releasing the tension from your neck and shoulders while doing some yoga, moving your body while taking your mind someplace happier is a win-win.

If you don’t know what exercise is best for you, try working out with us at IsaBody® Fitness. This program is free in the IsaLife™ app when you register for the IsaBody Challenge®.

Take your movement outside (if safe to do so).

Person going for a run outside

In most areas, it’s still considered safe to get outside for some fresh air as long as you’re following all necessary precautions. Whether you’re taking a stroll, doing a high-intensity interval training workout, or practicing yoga, just being outside will improve your stress levels while you’re increasing your strength. Feel the fresh air on your skin, take note of all the beauty surrounding you, and start feeling your stress melt away.

Set goals that are within your control.

notebook with wording

In a time when so much is out of our control, set some goals for yourself that you can tackle, goals that will improve your physical health. Sure, it does suck not to be able to go to the gym anymore, but you can do pushups anywhere. Set a goal to improve your form, increase the number of reps you can complete in a minute, or learn a new kind of pushup (like a diamond pushup).

Some other goals may include increasing your water intake, hitting 10,000 steps a day, or being more diligent about stretching. Focusing on that which you have the power to change will not only lead to better physical health but will also help you set a positive mindset each day.

If you’re feeling your stress levels getting higher, I hope you’ll try these three methods for reducing your stress while increasing your strength!

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woman doing yoga at beach
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Know Your Strength: 3 Ways To Reduce Stress During Tough Times

Lately, it feels like bad news stories and fear of the unknown are hard to escape, but you can’t let those things send your stress levels through the roof. Maintaining your stress is a super important part of taking care of yourself, and right now, taking care of ourselves should be our No. 1 goal. Plus, when you’re in control of your stress and in a chill state of mind, it’s much easier to take news and situations as they come because you can think more clearly and remain calm.

Taking Control of Your Stress

There are many things you can do while staying at home that will help you manage your stress levels. One of those is taking care of your physical health. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day. Working out also has some direct stress reduction benefits like pumping up your endorphins and improving your mood.

Here are some ways you can work on increasing your physical health to clear your head and reduce your stress. Even if you’ve always been a dedicated exerciser, each of these methods has a little extra stress-busting power.

3 Exercise Tips for Reducing Stress

Exercise mindfully.

woman does yoga on balcony

If you can’t get your mind off something, try doing your favorite exercise and focusing on the movement of your body instead. Whether you’re focused on your feet hitting the pavement during a run or releasing the tension from your neck and shoulders while doing some yoga, moving your body while taking your mind someplace happier is a win-win.

If you don’t know what exercise is best for you, try working out with us at IsaBody® Fitness. This program is free in the IsaLife™ app when you register for the IsaBody Challenge®.

Take your movement outside (if safe to do so).

Person going for a run outside

In most areas, it’s still considered safe to get outside for some fresh air as long as you’re following all necessary precautions. Whether you’re taking a stroll, doing a high-intensity interval training workout, or practicing yoga, just being outside will improve your stress levels while you’re increasing your strength. Feel the fresh air on your skin, take note of all the beauty surrounding you, and start feeling your stress melt away.

Set goals that are within your control.

notebook with wording

In a time when so much is out of our control, set some goals for yourself that you can tackle, goals that will improve your physical health. Sure, it does suck not to be able to go to the gym anymore, but you can do pushups anywhere. Set a goal to improve your form, increase the number of reps you can complete in a minute, or learn a new kind of pushup (like a diamond pushup).

Some other goals may include increasing your water intake, hitting 10,000 steps a day, or being more diligent about stretching. Focusing on that which you have the power to change will not only lead to better physical health but will also help you set a positive mindset each day.

If you’re feeling your stress levels getting higher, I hope you’ll try these three methods for reducing your stress while increasing your strength!

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