
Mother-Daughter Dream Team Finds a Life of Passion

Congratulations to Tami S. and Kerie J., Millionaires No. 174!

Tami & KerieFour years ago, to say this mother-daughter duo was disappointed with their lives would be an understatement. Tami felt like she had lost herself.

“I was tired, stressed, overweight, and an extremely broke mother of three,” Tami recalls. Unhappy with what she saw in the mirror and tired of the ongoing financial strain, Tami knew she needed a solution. “I knew there was more to life, but I just didn’t know how to make things better.”

Her mom’s life wasn’t any easier. Kerie, in her late 50s, constantly felt overwhelmed and fatigued while trying to fulfill her role as a specialist nurse. “Working long hours and treating my broad base of patients required an extremely high level of competency due to the nature of the job,” Kerie explains. “I was struggling.”

It was at this time that Tami’s aunt, Nicole B., introduced them to Isagenix.

Unsure of the Solution

Despite their struggles, Tami and Kerie were doubtful about getting started with Isagenix. “I honestly thought Nicole had lost her mind,” says Tami.

Having tried every “shake diet” with no long-term success, Tami didn’t see how this would be any different and feared Isagenix wasn’t right for her family. “I went out of my way to sabotage my results so Nicole could see that it didn’t work!” Tami says.

Kerie’s initial reaction was worse than Tami’s. “I immediately said no. I didn’t even want to think about it,” says Kerie.

Feeling too overwhelmed in her life to consider taking on something new, Kerie remained closed-minded to taking part in a “shake program” that was connected to network marketing.

The Turning Point

Although she denied it to her aunt, once Tami decided to give the Isagenix products a fair try, she started to see positive changes in her body. This encouraged her to join the Australia/New Zealand IsaBody Challenge®, as she wanted to confront the excessive weight she had gained during each of her three pregnancies. Plus, if Tami was able to take home the grand prize of AU$10,000, it would help her to pay off her looming bills.

Feeling inspired, Tami dragged her unwilling mother to their first event where they both reached an ultimate turning point in their lives.

“Isagenix dedicates full-time scientists to focus solely on testing and producing no-compromise products,” shares Kerie. “This is what I became interested in. I realized there was science behind the nutrition!”

Kerie decided then that she was ready to join her daughter in her Isagenix journey.

Tami continued with her IsaBody Challenge, and by the time she was halfway through, her whole vision had changed dramatically. “It became so much more than just losing the weight and winning the money—I was starting to show other women how to love the skin they’re in!” she says. It was through this process that Tami herself began to feel fabulous and was taking control of her life with Isagenix.

Kerie also felt inspired to help others share in this wonderful experience. “I found a level of wellness and harmony within my body that I didn’t even have in my 40s,” Kerie says. She wanted other women to experience that, too.

The Only Way Is Up

As most Isagenix Millionaires* would agree, Tami and Kerie believe it’s important to remind everyone that Isagenix is not a “get-rich-quick scheme.” “It’s about commitment, honest compassion, empathy, and willpower,” says Tami. “Anything is possible in life if you want it bad enough.”

“Knowing we have reached this milestone is such a surreal feeling,” both Tami and Kerie share.

In the beginning, the idea of accumulating $1 million felt like “high odds with little chance.” “Just never let go of your goals,” says Tami.**

A Life of Gratitude

Being mothers themselves, Tami and Kerie know how hard life can be, and this has been one of their biggest teachings in life. “We are so grateful and passionate about helping other mums who are just like we once were—in need of support,” they say.

One memory that stands out for the two was being able to help a mother fly to Canada so that her daughter could receive medical treatment required for a rare condition that she was suffering. “Isagenix has given us the ability to help not only our team members, but also others,” Tami says. “And that truly is the meaning of life—to be able to give back and help each other.”

*Isagenix Millionaires are defined as Isagenix Associates who have cumulatively earned $1 million or more with Isagenix.

**Earning levels for Isagenix Independent Associates that appear in this publication are examples and should not be construed as typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity, and demographic factors. For average earnings, see the Isagenix Independent Associate Earnings Statement found at IsagenixEarnings.com.

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