
Mother of Two and Former Accountant on a Mission for Moms


Congratulations to Isagenix Millionaire No. 175 Dawn F.!

kettleWhen Dawn was first introduced to Isagenix by her hometown friend Alexis, she just didn’t think that the program would work. “I was really skeptical at first. I actually didn’t start for about seven and half, eight months. I just blew her off and didn’t respond for a while,” remembers Dawn.

She was a busy mom, working a full-time job, a part-time job, volunteering, and traveling around the entire country to keep up with the baseball schedules of her two teenage sons.

“I really needed to lose some weight and I had no energy,” shares Dawn. “But I didn’t think it was going to work.”

Seven months later, though, she changed her mind. “I was packing for a trip to Florida with my husband and boys to go play baseball, and nothing fit me—my shorts, my bathing suit. So I finally called her back.”

Dawn was only wanting to try the products. She still had no interest in the business side of Isagenix. “I told her, ‘I know you can sell this, but don’t ask me to. I’m an accountant, and accountants don’t sell,’” says Dawn.

How Changing Her Mind Changed Her Life

Three months into her Isagenix journey, Dawn decided that she was ready to try the business for herself. She was losing weight and feeling better overall, and others began to take notice.

“People just kept asking me what I was doing over and over,” says Dawn. “So finally I said, if I can learn the business model and it makes sense, and if I can fit it into my busy schedule, I will.”

So she began to build her business in the pockets of her life where she had time, with the goal of earning income for sharing the products with others.

new family pictureThat goal was quickly exceeded, and as Dawn’s business continued to grow, so did her goals. She was able to save enough to cover the college expenses of both of her sons;** the older of the two is currently a sophomore in college, and the other will start this September.

“As soon as my older son is 18, he’ll be ready to start his own Isagenix business. My other son has been coming to events and is getting involved with the START group that we have within our team,” Dawn shares.

Dawn was also able to reach her goal of retiring from both her corporate and part-time jobs after only 18 months, as her Isagenix income was already exceeding her previous income.** What she is most thankful for is the opportunity she had to retire her husband.

“At first, I didn’t think he needed to come home, because he wasn’t doing the business, forgetting that he was really overstressed and unhappy,” she recalls.

You Can’t Get Back Time

gamesPhysically seeing her husband’s stress levels go down after his retirement, and being able to share that time freedom with him, was huge for her. It made Dawn realize that she needed to help others get there too. Her new goal, her “Why,” is to help bring other moms home to raise their kids, so that they can share precious time with them.

“I missed all of that. I missed their first walks and their first words, their first everything,” shares Dawn. “I always say you can’t get back time. You can always create more money, but you can never create more time.”

So far, Dawn has been able to help five mothers on her team come home.** “I really feel that we’re selfish if we don’t share this,” says Dawn. “I think that at the beginning people are intimidated to get started, but they really need to remember this special and amazing gift that they have for people.”

Isagenix Millionaires are defined as Isagenix Associates who have cumulatively earned $1 million or more with Isagenix.

**Earning levels for Isagenix Independent Associates that appear in this publication are examples and should not be construed as typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity, and demographic factors. For average earnings, see the Isagenix Independent Associate Earnings Statement found at IsagenixEarnings.com.

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