Parents Create a Family With Isagenix
Congratulations to Isagenix Millionaires No. 217, Jen and Aaron Bayer!
Five years ago, Jen felt she had reached a place in her life where she was ready to make a change. She was burned out and decided that she wanted to do something different.
“I was eating healthy and exercising and was doing everything I thought was right, but I still felt run-down and exhausted,” she said.
When Jen discovered Isagenix, she saw it as a way to make a change and was ready to get started on the products right away. Aaron was a bit more hesitant, but after a few weeks of discussion, they decided that Jen should try the products.
“Within the first couple of months, I felt awesome, like someone had reached out and turned on a light switch,” said Jen.
From Skepticism to Belief
Despite Jen’s excitement for Isagenix, Aaron admitted that at first, he was the “typical, skeptical spouse.” He thought that cleansing sounded silly and was against network marketing.
Jen remained determined, and eventually, Aaron agreed to try the Isagenix products for 30 days in order to support her new passion.
“In my mind, I secretly thought I was going to show her that the products don’t work,” laughed Aaron. “But after trying them, I felt great and even busted through a weight-loss plateau.”
Both Jen and Aaron are in the National Guard, and when Jen went back for her drill weekend, everyone commented on how she had changed.
“They said, ‘What happened to you? You’ve lit up, your skin is glowing and you’re full of energy!” Jen remembered.
Aaron had changed as well, and in his fitness assessment that year, he reached a new personal best.
“That really opened my eyes to the products, because Isagenix was really the only change I had made from previous years,” he said. “At that point, I was ready to fully get on board.”
After those conversations, Jen enrolled her first team members, even though she initially had no intention of sharing the products. She hadn’t even considered the business side of Isagenix until she ended up on a leadership call with Kelley and Tyler Dickerhoof.
The Defining Moment
“That call was the defining moment,” said Jen. “I had been so desperate to leave my job and be home with my kids because I didn’t feel like I had a purpose. That call made me realize what the Isagenix opportunity could be, and I knew then that this could be the path to get me home.”
After that call, Jen looked at the Isagenix Team Compensation Plan and knew she was ready to go after this opportunity.
“I used to work in human resources and know the importance of corporate events, so the first thing I did was hop on a plane to attend an Isagenix University,” she said. “I pretty much never missed an event for those first couple of years.”
A Life-Changing Event
At New Year Kick Off 2013, Jen and Aaron watched Lynn Hagedorn explain the Compensation Plan, and that became a huge moment for the couple’s business.
“For whatever reason, it finally made perfect sense to me. I went home and called everyone I had ever enrolled, and I went through the plan again,” said Jen. “The No. 2 income earner on my team recently told me that it was that call that changed everything for her.”
Jen and Aaron understand the importance of event and utilize many Isagenix programs when coaching their team.
“I think Healthy Mind and Body is huge,” said Jen. “It really teaches you how to make small daily changes in order to make big, long-term differences in your life.”
Aaron added that the IsaBody® Challenge is a great way for new product users to get started.
“It’s a free program you can take advantage of to help guide you, even after your first 30 days,” he said.
Now, Jen and Aaron have both left their jobs and are pursuing their business together while living their dream of having more family time. They’ve been able to be home for most of their youngest son’s life and feel blessed that they can be home when their oldest son gets home from school each day.
“It fires us up to help other families to do the same, and it’s our biggest goal for 2017,” they said.
An Isagenix Millionaire is an Independent Associate to whom Isagenix has paid a gross total of $1 million or more since joining Isagenix. Earnings reflect gross amounts that do not include any business expenses. Earning levels or income statements (including claims such as the ability to quit a job or stay at home or portrayals of luxury lifestyles) for the Isagenix Independent Associates discussed here exceed the average results achieved by all Associates during the same time period, are not necessarily representative of the success or compensation that any particular Associate will receive, and should not be construed as typical or average. The ability to earn income under the Isagenix Team Compensation Plan depends on many factors including an individual Associate’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a large network of family, friends, and business contacts. Isagenix cannot and does not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even Associates who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of success. For average earnings of Independent Associates, please refer to the Isagenix Earnings Disclosure Statement at