Personal Trainer Trades Five Jobs for Career of a Lifetime
Congratulations to Isagenix Millionaire No. 214, Stacy Mazzarese!
When Stacy first decided to get started with Isagenix, she was working from six in the morning to nine at night, holding five different job roles at a health club in downtown Chicago.
“I had every job you could think of at a health club just so I could live in Chicago,” Stacy explained. “Then one day I was at Trader Joe’s buying groceries, wondering how I was going to make my meals while working 15 hours a day and how I was gong to retire. I just thought, ‘Is this it? Is this what my life is going to be?’”
Six months earlier, Stacy had been introduced to Isagenix by her good friend and Isagenix Millionaire Emily Vavra. At the time, she thought that network marketing sounded weird. She didn’t understand it, so she said no to the products and the opportunity.
“For those next six months, I kept doing the same thing over and over, thinking I was going to get a different result,” said Stacy. “It took that moment at Trader Joe’s for me to realize that I needed to try something new.”
Stacy remembered what Emily had told her about Isagenix and decided that she was ready to reach out and learn more.
Learning to Believe in Herself
“When I ordered my first 30-Day System, I was training for a marathon, so my focus was mostly on energy, and I was also interested in the opportunity to lose weight and possibly make some extra money,” remembered Stacy, “I just had this feeling about Isagenix. I didn’t have the belief in the products yet or in the Isagenix Team Compensation Plan, and I definitely didn’t have it in myself. I just had a good feeling.”
Following that feeling, Stacy drove nine hours to attend an Isagenix University event, hoping to start building her belief.
“I just closed the door on life and listened, and Emily poured so much belief into me,” she said.
Stacy saw all kinds of people being recognized onstage and realized that if they could do it, so could she.
“When I first started, this was 100 percent about me. I was motivated by desperation, and my ‘why’ was about getting myself out of that situation. But that has shifted so much,” she said.
Since starting her journey with Isagenix, Stacy has been able to leave her jobs,* which has helped her to create more flexibility in her life.
“I’ve learned so much in this journey, but what I’ve learned the most is that you need to love yourself and believe in yourself so that you can love and help others,” she explained.
Stacy’s biggest goal for the future is to help as many people as she can to create choices in their lives by helping them to succeed with what she has learned.
“I want everyone to have the opportunity I have. Every dollar I earn is just a certificate of how many people I have helped,” Stacy shared.
Lessons From an Incredible Leader
- The more you learn, the more you grow. Focus on personal development, and attend events. The second you don’t go to an event because you think you know it all, that’s when you need to go the most!
- Don’t underestimate or overestimate. Most people overestimate what they’ll make in their first year, and they underestimate what they can do when they really focus on a goal. This business takes work, and it takes time. You have to learn to believe in yourself before you can succeed.
- Stay positive, and stay disciplined. Many people see the glory but not the story. Remember that it’s the unsexy, mundane activities that will help you create your success.
*Isagenix Millionaires are defined as Isagenix Associates who have cumulatively earned $1 million or more with Isagenix. Earnings reflect gross amounts that do not include any business expenses. Earning levels or income statements (including claims such as the ability to quit a job or stay at home or portrayals of luxury lifestyles) for the Isagenix Independent Associates discussed here exceed the average results achieved by all Associates during the same time period, are not necessarily representative of the success or compensation that any particular Associate will receive, and should not be construed as typical or average. The ability to earn income under the Isagenix Team Compensation Plan depends on many factors including an individual Associate’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a large network of family, friends, and business contacts. Isagenix cannot and does not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even Associates who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of success. For average earnings, please refer to the Isagenix Earnings Disclosure Statement at