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5 Ways To Switch Up Your Protein in 2020

Are you trying to dial in your macros in 2020? If you said, “Wait, what?” don’t worry. That’s simply healthy eating-speak for maintaining a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats — the three macronutrients that comprise your diet. 

All three macros work together and bring something important to your healthy routine, but this is all about protein.  

Ready to diversify your protein intake in the new year? If you’re tired of the same old staples from 2019, here are a few ways to mix up your proteins. 

20 grams of protein per 4-ounce serving 

white fish

Fish is a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, and it’s delicious and versatile in all sorts of dishes. There’s a reason why many people who give up or reduce meat in their diets still stick with fish. 

The best tasting varieties can also be expensive, but there are ways to save if you know where to look. Paiche, a South American white fish, has similar meaty, rich texture to the more popular halibut or cod at a lower price. It’s fantastic baked, on the grill, or in some fish tacos. 

8 grams of protein per 1 cooked cup 

healthy quinoa dish

We tend to place foods into just one macronutrient bucket (meat is protein, rice is carbohydrates, and so on). The truth is that most foods cover more than one macro, and quinoa is that sneaky grain we associate with carbs but packs a protein punch. One cup of quinoa has nearly twice as much protein as rice and is also filled with amazing whole grains. 

Ground Bison
24 grams of protein per 4-ounce serving 

grilling bison burgers

Want to reduce your red meat intake but still love a good burger? Bison might be the alternative you’re craving. While bison is technically beef (it’s part of the cow family), bison meat has less fat and fewer calories while maintaining a great flavor. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s worth it if red meat is more of a special occasion in your healthy eating routine. 

Chicken Thighs
28 grams per 4-ounce serving 

grilled chicken thighs

The chicken breast is the go-to poultry cut for healthy eating, and for good reason — it’s light and lean. It’s also easy to overcook, burn, and ruin, so it’s time we give the rest of the bird a chance.  

Chicken thighs and other dark meats get a bad rep because they’re associated with fried chicken, but skinless, baked chicken thighs are full of protein, flavor, and monounsaturated fats (the good kind you find in avocados).  

Plant-Based Protein
24 grams of protein in IsaLean Shake Plant-Based  

Creamy Dutch Chocolate IsaLean® Shake in a glass

Macros still matter when shopping for a shake. High-quality whey and milk protein is a great source for most people, but anyone with dairy allergies or intolerances or a vegan lifestyle will be looking for a plant-based alternative. 

Remember how most foods, even grains, are great sources for more than one macro? High-quality protein is sourced from peas and brown rice for IsaLean® Shake Plant-Based. Alongside energy-fueling carbohydrates and good fats, these plant-based proteins are the perfect alternative to dairy choices like whey or milk. 

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