Quiz: Find Out What Type of ‘Cleanser’ You Really Are!
Any seasoned Isagenix product user knows that cleansing (also known as intermittent fasting) is a key component to weight loss and the Isagenix System.
Those same seasoned cleansers also know that Cleanse Days are designed to help kick-start your body’s own detoxification systems. Cleanse for Life® is specially formulated to provide your body with nourishing support as your body’s systems prepare to detoxify.†
It’s also important to remember that no two people cleanse the same way. Cleanse for Life makes it simple and easy to customize your Cleanse Days to fit your lifestyle. Whether you cleanse straight from the 32-ounce bottle or on the go with our 2-ounce bottles, the ability to customize your cleanse is universal.
Take This Quiz
We all have our personal tips and tricks, but this quick and easy quiz will help you identify what kind of cleanser you are. (Don’t worry — you don’t need to cram for this one!)
Sit back, sip some Cleanse for Life, and find out how your cleansing style stacks up.
If your fridge and pantry aren’t stocked already, be sure to head over to your Back Office and add Cleanse for Life to your next wholesale or Lifestyle Rewards (Autoship) order today!
What Is Your Cleanse Day Personality?
†This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.