A Part of Something Bigger


Athletes-Turned-Coaches Realign Their Game Plan

By Ashley Daniel

calvinwhitney“After college, I wasn’t quite ready to get my ‘big girl’ job,” Whitney admitted.

She played volleyball in college, and as a fellow athlete and college football player, her husband, Calvin, felt the same way. They wanted to pursue their athletic careers and weren’t ready to trade the gym for the office.

Calvin was playing his fifth year of college football, and as a recent graduate, Whitney decided to pursue volleyball professionally overseas. Unfortunately, she suffered an injury and was sent home, which meant it was time to get that big girl job sooner than she’d hoped.

“I took a position with the government,” said Whitney. “It was a good job, and I had room to grow, but I found myself really unhappy, both physically and mentally.”

calwhitleavesWhitney was stuck at a desk all day, wasn’t exercising or eating as well as she should have, and had started calling herself a “professional napper,” running out to her car to take naps on her 15-minute breaks because she had no energy. She decided to make a healthy lifestyle change on her own by meal prepping and eating whole foods, but when that didn’t give her the results she was looking for, Calvin suggested they reach out to college friends Hayden and Emily Vavra who were experiencing success that the couple admired.

“After the four of us sat down and had a conversation about Isagenix, I was blown away,” remembered Calvin. “I knew the products worked because I watched them work for Hayden, and after seeing the Isagenix Team Compensation Plan and some of the videos, I just couldn’t stop thinking about this opportunity.”

At that time, Calvin had recently graduated college, and after seeing how unhappy Whitney was, he wanted them to take this opportunity to be in control of their future.

“I just started going crazy with Isagenix,” Calvin said. “We eventually got to the point where Whitney could walk away from her game plan, and in the process, through meeting people in Isagenix, we came across new opportunities.”

Through the people they’ve met with Isagenix, Calvin and Whitney have been able to return to the sports world as coaches. Whitney coaches high school volleyball, and Calvin coaches various levels of hockey.

calvinwhitneywedding“Coaching really fills us up because we’re helping young men and women,” they said. “Isagenix has helped provide the opportunity for us to do what we love, without having to rely solely on coaching for our source of income.”

Whitney and Calvin agree that building your own business at a young age isn’t easy, but they say they would never walk away from this opportunity.

“Older generations often look down on millennials and assume that we expect all of these great things without doing any of the work,” said Calvin. “While there is some of that attitude, no question, I think many of us do work hard, but we’re just not willing to accept whatever’s being handed to us. We just want more and want to be a part of something bigger.”



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