How Jennifer Started Living the Life She Always Dreamed Of

How Jennifer Started Living the Life She Always Dreamed Of

At 190 pounds, Jennifer never would have believed it if someone had told her that she could be healthy again, feel amazing inside and out, or move like she did in her 20s. But, now, she’s living that life. Today, Jennifer looks great and feels even better, and she’s never going back to how things were before. Find out how she did it.

Presenting Your 2019 U.S. IsaBody Challenge Grand Prize Winner and Runner-Up!

Presenting Your 2019 U.S. IsaBody Challenge Grand Prize Winner and Runner-Up!

When we first started the IsaBody Challenge in 2011, we received 200 completions. Now, just eight years later, we ended our first Challenge of 2019 with 34,737 completions! It’s still hard to believe how far we have come. Are you ready to meet our grand prize winner and runner-up?