How Eric Is Building a Whole New Life (and Business!)

How Eric Is Building a Whole New Life (and Business!)

When Eric finished his last collegiate swim race after a decade of competitive swimming, he had no idea how different life without swimming would be. In four months’ time, he gained 25 pounds and felt lost without the competition and camaraderie he’d had with his teammates. His confidence was at an all-time low, but then, he was introduced to Isagenix.

How Jennifer Started Living the Life She Always Dreamed Of

How Jennifer Started Living the Life She Always Dreamed Of

At 190 pounds, Jennifer never would have believed it if someone had told her that she could be healthy again, feel amazing inside and out, or move like she did in her 20s. But, now, she’s living that life. Today, Jennifer looks great and feels even better, and she’s never going back to how things were before. Find out how she did it.

Meet Justin Whelan!
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Firefighter Discovers the Importance in Being Himself

As a deputy fire chief, small business owner, husband, and father, Justin was extremely busy and caught up trying to be something he’s not. Through the Isagenix IsaBody Challenge®, he was reminded of what truly matters and discovered the importance of simply being himself. Now, when his kids ask who he has helped today, he always has an answer.