Isabody Challenge 2018 Finalist Julie Marchak
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IsaBody Finalist Conquers Lifelong Battle With Failure, Emerges Victorious!

Have you ever given up on a diet regime because you didn’t see results fast enough? That’s how Julie’s numerous attempts to lose weight inevitably ended. At 288 pounds, Julie was hurting – emotionally and physically – but she was setting herself up for failure before she even started by giving herself permission to quit if she didn’t see instant results.

Dad and Grandfather Takes Control of His Health
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Dad and Grandfather Takes Control of His Health

By the time he reached 63 years old, Rick Maxwell knew he wasn’t in the best health. His daughter noticed he was suffering and suggested he try Isagenix. Rick eventually decided to give the products a try, starting with a 30-Day System. He started the IsaBody Challenge and never stopped, focusing on transforming his body, one Challenge at a time.

Father of Four Transforms Into Fitness Competitor
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Father of Four Transforms Into Fitness Competitor

A struggle with weight haunted Hans Heymans for most of his life, and working a desk job for years as an adult didn’t help his waistline either. Instead of attempting to make a change, Hans made excuses for years – justifying his weight gain. Then Hans found the IsaBody Challenge®, and he knew it was time for him to transform his body.

Father’s 100 Pound Weight Loss: No Longer Trapped Inside His Body
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Father’s 100 Pound Weight Loss: No Longer Trapped Inside His Body

After living an unhealthy lifestyle for many years, Wade Rywolt reached a turning point when his wife gave birth to their first daughter. At 285 pounds, he was overweight but knew he wanted to set a better example for his daughter. It wasn’t until he discovered Isagenix that he could successfully lose weight and learn how to maintain his 100-pound weight loss.