vegetable snacks
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The Power of Plant-Based Meatless Meals

Meat isn’t the only source of protein – just ask the more than 375 million vegetarians in the world. Plant-based and dairy-free protein options are not just for vegetarian or vegans either; they are for anyone looking for nutrients to support weight loss and positive lifestyle goals and to maintain or increase lean muscle mass. To find out how you can get in on the action, keep reading!

Intermittent Fasting Supports Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting Supports Weight Loss

If done properly, intermittent fasting can be an extremely beneficial and sustainable way to obtain weight loss. Isagenix has led the way in examining the virtues and benefits of intermittent fasting. The science behind intermittent fasting and its effects inspired Isagenix to create Cleanse for Life® to help nourish the body’s natural process of removing toxins.

The Difference Between IsaPro and IsaLean Shake

The Difference Between IsaPro and IsaLean Shake

It’s a commonly asked question: What’s the difference between IsaPro® and IsaLean® Shake? After all, both contain the highest-quality undenatured whey protein needed to boost your metabolism and whittle your waist line. So when do you use IsaPro over IsaLean Shake? Easy! We can explain the difference and the benefit to mixing them both together.