
This or That? Conquer Holiday Cravings With Help From Isagenix!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Time for peppermint hot chocolate and an endless lineup of holiday cookies. But if you’re not careful, you might experience some drastic holiday weight gain, too. This year, satisfy your holiday cravings by substituting Isagenix alternatives for those decadent seasonal treats.

Skip: Triple Caramel Macchiato With Extra Whip
Substitute: Caramel Macchiato Shake

Endless hours of shopping, cooking, and hosting family get-togethers can certainly take a toll on your energy level, so we can’t blame you for reaching for your favorite holiday coffee beverage for that extra pick-me-up on a busy day. You’ve worked hard to get ready for the holidays after all, but that’s why your body deserves something better. Try this delicious coffee recipe to give your body some real nourishment and real energy, because we’re the real deal when it comes to staying healthy through the holidays.

Skip: Party Snacks and Pub Mixes
Substitute: Whey Thins™

Those satisfyingly salty pub mixes never seem to miss a party, and we all know how easy it is to convince yourself that one small handful won’t hurt. Next thing you know you’re halfway through the bowl, still hungry, and coming to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t the best idea.

This year, skip the snack bowl altogether and reach for one of our favorite savory snacks, gluten-free Whey Thins™. Available in three delectable flavors – White Cheddar, Barbecue, and Sour Cream & Chive – these 100 calorie per single-serving packs are an excellent source of protein that’ll leave you happy and satisfied.

Skip: Holiday Cookies, Treats, and Sweets
Substitute: AMPED™ Protein Bars in Chocolate Brownie, Cookie Dough, and Strawberries & Cream Flavors

At the end of the night, Santa isn’t the only one who feels like it’s time for a cookie. Maybe you’ve worked hard all day reaching your end of year goals at the office, and you even chose our aforementioned alternative over having a caramel macchiato. So, you deserve a holiday treat, right?

While we’re not saying it’s never OK to indulge, why sacrifice your health when you don’t have to? Satisfy your sweet tooth with our new AMPED Protein Bars, available in three delicious flavors. With no artificial colors or sweeteners and 28 grams of protein, they’re the optimal choice for staying on track and reaching your goals.

Stay healthy and happy this holiday season by substituting smart choices to keep that winter weight off! If you’re really committed to shedding some post-holiday pounds, try our 30-Day System. If you’re ready for a major life transformation, try the IsaBody Challenge®.


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